Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another Clean Day

Hello to all my readers,, I am somewhat surprised to see only one comment on my last blog. I surely hope that I still have followers that are following my blog. I have just recently become a member of facebook and now post all my blogs to their as well as here.

I am doing very well lately and am trying my very best to stay away from drugs and alcohol…. This is going good… I have not used in some time and want to continue my clean ways.

I thank all those who have been a very big support to me and hope you will continue to be support in my battle of life.

I talked with my lawyer recently, but still I have not heard anything other then he is still trying to locate the mother,,, It seems to me that it is dragging on… Hopefully this will be the year that I finally get to see my children once again… I can only keep praying that it is.

Lately I have been spending a lot of time to myself and I am doing a lot of reading.. I also have finished some more pages of my book,,, this is a good thing.

Just yesterday I was out walking around trying to enjoy the weather (tough, when it is cold) I found myself thinking about where my life is going,, I really don’t know sometimes but I feel as though God is guiding me in the right direction.

I am also starting to realize that there is so many people out there that can be supportive with kind words and just plain compassion,,, I encourage you to continue with your support not only for me but for others that are having a rough go of it.. A simple smile can make a world of difference to someone who might need just that at any given moment…

Todays blog is just a big thank you to all that continue to read ,,, I know you all want the world to be a better place and so do I. I love you all. God bless!

Tim Barber

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year?

Hello all, and Happy New Year.

I am hoping to have a better year, and I plan on doing something a little different this year in regards to my blog. I call it my blog because I am still the lone homeless writer continuing to post blogs.

I was recently staying in the mental short stay unit at the Peter Lougheed Hospital where I received some counsel due to some problems I was having. I want to thank the staff their as they were very helpful and professional in there care of all patients on the unit.

This holiday season was not easy for me to deal with and it is mostly because I miss my family but mostly I just miss my kids.

For all the readers that have been following my blog, you will know that I have been having problems with my addiction and I know that I will always be an addict but I also know it is my choice if I use or continue to stay clean. Thankfully, I am going on ten days clean and trying my best to continue this way.

I would also like to take this time to thank three wonderful ladies who have been thinking about me when i was in hospital. They are Kim, Holly and Carol. Thank you for your genuine kindness and compassion. I also know that there are lots of people that do have me in there prayers and I do thank each and every one of you as well.

I am hoping to be able to start doing things in my life that make me a little happier in life. I cant say exactly what it is I will do but I do want to find something. Right now I enjoy writing for an audience and i also have started continuing with my book once again.

I would also like to give all my readers a chance to read the first 70 pages of my book. What i am offering you is an opportunity to know about my life growing up. I can tell you that you might not like some of the real people that were a part of my life but it is all true and I invite you to email me for a copy. My email address is I would also ask that if you want a copy of this book, that you leave a donation that will go towards me getting out of my homeless situation. No donation will go towards drugs or alcohol. That is a promise! If you are interested please email and I would prefer to give you the book in person.

I really want to turn my life around and that is why I have applied to go into a new treatment program as well as a concurrent disorder program in Claresholm. I am hoping that I will be able to get into these programs before the end of the month. I will also continue to update all of you on my life whether it is good or bad. I honestly believe that I can change and become a better person. It means a great deal to me to be able to write and if ever I needed the support of others, it is now. I don't want to waste my time with my addiction anymore, I'm now 43 and going on 44 in a couple of months and I have absolutely nothing in life. Well, actually I have two beautiful children and I want to see them more then anything. I know that if I continue to stay clean, it can become reality and I will not lose hope anymore.

I would also like to take this time to let you all know that I am currently trying to get on facebook and post my blogs on there as well as on this blog along with pictures of my children and other things, hopefully it will be soon.

For now, I would like to encourage you all once again to continue to follow my blogs and to invite a friend or family member to follow as well. I look forward to writing my next blog.

I would like to end on something that Jewel sings from her song Hands:

If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be, were all OK, not to worry, because worry is wasteful and useless in times like these, i wont be made useless, wont be made idle with despair.

I just thought i would share that with you. Her music has always made me feel better and for all those that have heard her music, you know why.

I still remember when I first heard her voice, it was like an angel singing to me and to me alone.

Thank you all for reading my blog, i will blog again soon.

You, My Reader, are my support
Tim Barber
Not feeling so lonely anymore.