Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just A Thought

It's so nice to be able to see my kids laughing and playing. It has been a really long time since I have been able to be involved in their life. I am making lunch for them, something I thought I would never do again. Then later in the day we will go swimming and I can enjoy more of their laughing and playing. Its later in the day and we plan on having company over, there is a couple I know and they have kids my childrens age coming over for dinner. Its my chance to entertain and have some actual adult time. It seems as though I dont get a lot of that anymore, now that the kids are back in my life. its almost bedtime and I am going to read them a bedtime story, something that I really enjoy doing for them, except that sometimes it puts me to sleep.
Oh, how I wish this was'nt just another one of those daydreams I had. Unfortunatley, it is. This is just a part of my many daydreams that I have been having.
I think that every body dreams a little, and for someone that is homeless, we dream of better times ahead. I know for me i only dream of the time I eventually get to spend time with my children. I dont daydream about being rich but of just not being homeless anymore.
My question to you the reader is just to know what it is that a person with a home actually daydreams about? Its something that is a curious thing to me, only because I have been homeless now for 4 years.
Tim Barber
Homeless but trying not to become HOPELESS


  1. Tim-
    You'd be surprised, we probably actually dream about many of the same things. I daydream of a time when things are simpler. When I can spend time with my kids instead of running this way and that. I dream of sitting in the sun and soaking it all in. I dream of dipping my feet in the river and collecting rocks without worrying about the next thing to do.

  2. Thanks for the comment, It must be nice spending tome with your children. I look forward to the day I actually get to see mine once again. It has been about 4 years since I last saw them.
