Thursday, August 5, 2010


Another fine day for this homeless, addicted father of two. No! It's going to be a fantastic day.

I talked with my family lawyer today. I may find out as early as next week as to when I will be able to see my children once again.

Yes! I am scared but very optimistic.

I think that is all I have to say for now to you, my reader, but please continue with prayer for me and my future with my children. All the best to you and remember to keep leaving comments as they brighten my days.
Write at you soon.
Thanks for listening,
Tim Barber
Regaining HOPE every day.


  1. Excellent news! I know you have been waiting for this for a long time, you deserve it. We're all behind you. Hope all goes well, be sure to come back and tell us how it went.

  2. Hi Tim,
    Thinking of you and your struggle. This is worth the fight! Choosing one day at a time. You can do this. Dianna

  3. Tim
    My own experience over the past 4 years as a divorced Dad of 4 is that as I worked through 'my stuff' and healed, I was naturally able to show more love to my kids. I used the 12 Steps as a framework for learning to let go and stop trying to control everything and let God lead me through my healing journey. I went from a 'tense' relationships with my older kids four years ago to 'we love you Dad and we know you care' now. I just worked on what was in front of me (and that was a lot of self-work) and God looked after the kids and their healing/growth. I did have to detach though and just trust Him with my kids...worrying about them and thinking about what might be did not help me. It all came together...but it was beyond what my own efforts could have resulted in. It also took a few years (like 3+) but is well worth it. When God heals us, He seems to also take care of the pain of prior memories...they fade away and are replaced by joy and gratitude for the blessings He gives us. We do need to make a decision though to say 'yes' to Him leading us.

    God bless
