Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Still Happy!

Wow! I am in an incredibly great mood as I write what may be one of my finer blogs. Not to sound cheeky, as one of admirers would call me. I am but an ordinary person….Yeah right!!!! I’m sorry, but I do like to think that everything I do is but yet a dream. I however, am not dreaming. No, I am totally aware of everything going on around me. The music, me dancing, me thinking, and of course, Me Being Positive. Baby, I’m in a damn good mood, OH! Did I say that already!!! Duh! For some reason or other, life has been somewhat over-whelming to me lately. Its not that I don’t think that I deserve it but I am in total Awe! Of all this. To explain All this, its simple, Media! Ever since I started my business, and for those of you that don’t know, it’s called Timmy’s Only. What a great idea I came up with and am now trying to grow with all I have in me. I have been bombarded with media people that want to get my story. All I want to do now is continue to wake up with my positive attitude, as I have for the past six or seven months. I think that I have changed for the better and I want to continue to be that better person that I always want to be. Its not that I stopped being a better person. I just sometimes ventured off the path…For that matter…I stumbled on a damn nasty path at points in my life. I am not however going to dwell on my past. I have been a person who has not only become positive but I am now very determined to get access to my children….I am going to accomplish this very soon. As a matter a fact, I would not doubt that by the time Calgary has its big Stampede Parade…I will have actually have seen my kids at least once…Mark my words people…Timbits is back and he aint gonna let anything get in his way… Besides…It would be incredibly hard to stop this dancing fool…I sit here before you, my audience …Doing a little jiggy…Wow!! I am in such awe of myself that I feel as though I need a bigger challenge..Ok, getting a little carried away but Man, am I ever feeling good…NO! I am not drunk nor high people…Just damn Happy!!! I just want to end by saying one thing….THANK YOU! Your Writer..Timbits

Sunday, February 12, 2012

No Negitivity Please!

Oh my goodness, did you see me on the front page of the Calgary Herald? On Thursday January 26/2012 I was in the paper. The most important thing about it was the fact that it was a good news story. Really, I didn't do any thing bad! lol

I did get into my place up in Coventry in North Calgary. However, I came home one night and found my landlord using a needle. Right at that time I decided that I needed to get out of that situation as quickly as possible. I decided that I would leave a month notice so I could get back my $100 deposit. Well I can tell you that I am no longer at that place but don't worry, I am still being housed and I will get to that very shortly.

What happened was actually a blessing in disguise. I ended up turning a negative into a positive. About three days after I seen my landlord using the needle, he had misplaced a bottle of Tylenol 4 and blamed both me and the other roommate of taking it. A couple of days went by and we thought that it was over but boy were we wrong. I came home last Thursday after helping Kim with Walking with the Homeless and this asshole landlord started flipping out again over his missing pills. It ended up that he wanted both of us dwellers out because he thought we went in his room and stole his pills. I simply tried to tell him that I would gladly leave at the end of the month so long as I got my deposit back. Well this just seemed to piss him off and threatened to beat the crap out of me. I ended up calling a friend who picked me up and what happened next was definitely by the grace of God.

This wonderful woman put me up in a place till the end of this month and is also going to help me with a damage deposit to get into somewhere different at the end of the month. I can not tell you how much I love this woman for what she has done for me.

I feel so incredibly strong theses days and my life just keeps getting better and better every single day.

I would also like to add that I now sit in my place all alone and I just realized how strong of a person I really have become. I have to tell you that I am so frigging proud of myself for everything that I am starting to accomplish and I am going to accomplish so much more.

Also want to point out that I did my road test yesterday and now have my drivers license again and can start working on getting a vehicle. I am so siked because I am so close now to my goal of getting access to my children once again.

Tyler and Destiny....Daddy's going to see you soon!

On a final note, things are picking up with the business and it is looking better and better every single day. I am gaining clients on a daily basis and it looks like word of mouth about my business is spreading. I also have some great ideas that I am working on and I do plan on sharing them with you in the near future.

For now that's all I have. Thank you all for your tremendous support, and remember that I always encourage you to write comments.

For those of you who commented on my last blog, thank you for your comments and please remember to tell your friends about my blog.

Side note: Have started working on my book again.

Your writer,
Tim Barber
Some know me as Timbits!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life is Beautiful

I just want to let all of my followers know that I am so friggin happy at this point in my life and things are moving in a forward direction. I have started a new business by the name of Timmy’s Only Delivery and it has really improved my self esteem.
I am somewhat confused how I personally can see and feel the difference.
I don’t really know exactly how to explain it but I will try.

As some of my followers are aware, I was housed up until a few months ago. Since my becoming homeless once again, I have become a lot less stressed and plenty of time to think about my situation.

Sometimes being homeless can be easy; however, saying this, I must say that it also isn’t a walk in the park .I think sometimes that it can be too easy to become caught up in the system. I say this because I have been caught in this homeless trap on more then one occasion and have actually learned from my past mistakes.

As of Thursday night I will into housing of my own once again and I must tell you, I feel very proud of myself for getting a place in such a relatively short period of time. I will be living up north near Country Hills Blvd.

About a month ago I met a new friend by the name of Chris..He is a great person and he has also helped me with some creative ideas of his own for this business. Chris is also getting into housing as of tomorrow. He has actually found a different place. A month ago when we first met…Oh before I forget, we have met previously through the Salvation Army but had never really struck up a conversation… back to what I was saying..A month ago neither one of us really thought we would be housed at the end of January. Yet, here we are both getting into a place and is due in great part to our staying away from the Drop In Center during the day and both of us have been very happy and upbeat about life during the past month. We are probably currently the happiest homeless people in all of Calgary, one day away from being housed…oh what a joyous feeling….we are both proud man…One other thing me and Chris have in common is..We will never forget where we came from and hope to help other homeless in the near future and I know we will…I promise…

I would like to add to this blog a quick note that I am a very determined father trying to get access to my children and I believe with all my heart that this is a great opportunity to show exactly what Tim Barber is all about. Destiny and Tyler…Watch out..Daddy’s coming…I love you and I miss you and I will hold you and hug you very soon…

Before I go on any further, I would like to let you all know that I am no longer afraid of what the next minute, hour or day will bring…I don’t think in the past and am moving forward in my future…Thursday morning there should be a story about my business in the Calgary Herald and I am sure I am going to be very busy…I invite you to buy a copy of the paper tomorrow and you can tell all your friends that you are a follower of this person…Or whatever..Anyway..Thank You all for your kindness and overwhelming support…Please comment on this blog and remember those who are still struggling to find their way..I know I still try to do the best I can to encourage others in any situation…and I most definitely always provide a friendly smile…You would be amazed what a smile can do for others..not just the homeless but anybody..Even you…

I am sending my happiness your way and I do hope it puts a smile on your go and pay that smile forward…Thanks again for the most wonderful support a man could ever have…

One last thing before I go…Kim Porter Gagnon…You are and always will be my Hero..I love you…always…

Almost there
Tim Barber

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Tim!

I am starting to become happy and I'm not scared any more. I am actually starting to think a lot differently about life these days. I would say that this is a very good sign that things are getting better in my life.... I, Tim Barber am starting to understand a little more about the meaning of life. ...

OK.. Have I confused anybody yet? I have had my good days and my bad days... Everyone gets them. I think! Lately things have been going... How do i put this... I've been much happier when i wake up in the morning lately...No dirty thoughts please...

The fact of the matter is.. I have learned to adapt to a homeless life! I, however am not going to let this easy way of life drag me further to my knees. Yes, i said it.. I think it is to easy to live homeless here in the City of Calgary. It is a topic that would take up to much of this particular blog.. so lets move on...

I am very proud of myself... I have now officially(business license) and all become a homeless entrepreneur. My new business is called Timmy's Only...
Can you believe it.. I have a small business... I know.. I'm still in shock too!
It is a delivery service for Downtown Calgary..Mostly coffee and donuts but I plan on delivering whatever my customer wants(McDonald's,subway,Timmy's,etc..)

I am currently residing at what they call the warehouse...,It is a part of the Drop Inn Centre...It is actually a safer place to be , then the actual Drop In...Compared to the Drop In, the warehouse is ten times better,...

I really don't know what else there is that I would like to share with you at this point but I needed to write about my happiness...I will tell you this though... I will be posting more frequently.. I look forward to comments.

Tim Barber